There is not much to celebrate on a Holy Week for me because by tradition I prefer to stay at home or at least not take any vacation. I've decided to paint the colorful sky based on a tropical sunset photo I took a few months ago. There is an addition of artist quality paints in my collection and I feel the need to just use them everyday if I can. There are more than two dozen of the Holbein tubes in my resealable bag. Soon enough, I hope to give them a better home. I've use a wet-on-wet technique on the first layer. The sky didn't turn out very smooth but then I like the way the colors mixed.
It is quite fitting that I have painted the crucifixion at Mt. Calvary on the first page of my new Monologue watercolor diary. But this isn't the first time I've created something like this. Back in the university I drew a similar scenery with my student grade oil pastels for my Religious Education course. I left it hanging in the living room where I used to live.

Color Palette using Holbein Artist Watercolors:
- Cadmium Red Light
- Alizarin Crimson
- Cadmium Yellow Light
- Peacock Blue
- Prussian Blue
Materials used:
- Sketch pad by Monologue
- Synthetic round brush size 6
- Synthetic flat brush size 10 and 12